yts Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Full Movie On Voot

Description: Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) thinks he is an ordinary boy celebrating his eleventh birthday, but he is far from right. A giant named Hagrid (Robbie Coltrane) appears, and gives Harry the all-important news. He is a wizard. Now his journey in life gets more intense as he travels to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry to learn the trade of being a wizard. Here, he meets his friends who would be by his side for many years to come. Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) is not a very brave friend and Hermione (Emma Watson) is the smart friend. But not everything is quiet at Hogwarts as Harry suspects someone is planning to steal the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone / casts: Daniel Radcliffe / runtime: 152 minute / 7,9 / 10 / Directed by: Chris Columbus /

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☼✫ ★★★★★★



2:52 when you haven't checked your notifications in weeks and you open them.

Vernon: Who'd be writing to you? Looks at letter Vernon

Derek Hough from Dancing With the Stars/World of Dance spotted at 0:19. The ghost walks through him. Hes right behind Hermione. Haha poo. This scared the shit out of me when i was 6 years old haha awesome. Me when school is closed because of COVID: Yay! No school! No work! My 100 online assignments set on the first day of quarantine: 2:51. O Harry Potter kai i filosofiki lithosh. So just to be sure, is the mandrake a plant or a magial creature like the bowtruckles. Watch Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone full movie with english subtitles (2020) English Full Movie Online Free Download. An incredible mmovie score? Yep its john williams. I wish the Percy Jackson movies were like this. This is very well-done and I love it. ;v. O Harry Potter kai i filosofiki lithosphere.

O harry potter kai i filosofiki lithosphere. Hearing this song feels like I am a just get lost while hearing this. RIP: Richard Harris (first Dumbledore) John Hurt (Ollivander) Richard Griffiths (Vernon Dursley) Alan Rickman (Snape. After I watched this clip, I found myself wanted to watch again all Harry Potter movies. Is it just me or did harry's scar get smaller throughout the movies. Who else here wishes they could attend Hogwarts.

And i would have gotten away with it if it weren't for that meddling kid. I used my mom credit card she is a little mad. Ron and Harry scene in the Great Hall is touching. I love this scene. It's a sad and touching scene. Harry's tragedy has caught up with him. His grief. He saw his parents in the mirror and learnt what truly happened to them and why. Scene with Snape shouldn't have been deleted. I saw it few weeks ago and I wondered why I can't remember this scene. It is a powerful scene. Without Registering Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Hd-720p Watch.( s. Omg harrys future wife, future brother in law and future mother in law! Im crying. Brings back so many memories.


People still comment on this, i would know, i keep watching this over and over. and over... and over... They say opinions are like hind ends and everyone has one. Well, here is another hind end opinion. I went to see the movie on its opening day in America and I just loved it and I am almost 50 yrs old. I have always been a lover of fantasy and these books were certainly the best fantasy books I have ever read plus I was not in the least disappointed in the movie. They did an awesome job. Yes, there were a few changes and omissions here and there, some differences in characterizations and story line but not so much different that it ruined the story. Over all, very well done.

I don't know how anyone could be disappointed in Daniel Radcliffe. He was Harry! Yes, his character was more low key than Ron and Hermoine but he had to be that way. It was a good balance between their characters. Ron is supposed to be funny, Hermoine is supposed to be bossy and Harry is the straight guy. I thought he was perfect. Ron (Rupert) and Hermoine (Emma) were perfect in their roles also and Rupert's character shone during the climactic chess scene. The other children were also very good. Neville and Oliver Wood did their roles perfectly and Draco Malfoy was good but didn't seem to be quite evil enough. Something was a little lacking there. I enjoyed the other Weasley brothers and hope to see more of them in the next film, especially the pranksters Fred and George who had too little time in the movie but that was understandable because there's only just so much you can fit in to get the story told.
As to the adults, Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid and Alan Rickman as Snape just seemed to walk right out of the pages of the books into their roles. When I first read the book, I pictured Alan Rickman as Snape immediately and was very pleasantly surprised when he got the role. Ian Hart was also good as Quirrel as was David Bradley as Filch. David Bradley played a similar role in the Masterpiece Theatre production of "Our Mutual Friend. I agreed with many that Maggie Smith was too old to play Professor McGonagall, having pictured a woman in her early 50's for the role. However, she was so excellent in the part that in her case age was irrelevant. I was disappointed with Richard Harris as Dumbledore. He certainly looked the part but he seemed too feeble and quiet. You had to really strain your ears to hear some of his last lines of dialogue. Yes, Dumbledore is a very old wizard but the strength of characterization he had in the book seems to be lacking a little in Mr. Harris. I thought Sean Connery would have been a much stronger Dumbledore and would have looked fine with the white hair and beard.
As for the scenes. I was absolutely riveted to my seat during the chess scene. It was the highlight of the film. The Quidditch match, the mirror of Erised and Diagon Alley were also standouts. Though during the Quidditch match there seemed to be a lot of shots of Harry just sitting there in midair watching the match when he should have been looking for the snitch. Yes, I noticed that Harry was sometimes digital but it was such a small portion that how could anyone think that it wrecked the scene? I wish they had introduced all of the members of the Quidditch team. The part involving Norbert the Dragon was rather brushed off in the movie as were the ghosts. Where was Peeves? And John Cleese's part as Nearly Headless Nick was way too small though what little he did was very good. Those moving pictures on the walls were awesome. The finale in the great hall lacked the excitement of the book as the whole school realized that the Gryffindors were beating the Slytherins. It just didn't seem to be enough.
The things I didn't like were much less than the things that I did like so all in all it was excellent. Do not take small children, please! A little boy sat on his dad's lap behind us and kept saying he wanted to go home because he was scared. Several scary scenes for the little ones. I hope this film gets a nod during Oscar time. The three child stars deserve a special mention and Robbie Coltrane certainly deserves best supporting actor. 4 stars.

Voldemort is like Satan, like how Voldemort is persuasive to harry to try to trick him. just like how the devil would do it. DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE dumbledore said CaLMly. O harry potter kai i filosofiki lithos restaurant. Anyone in 2019 watching this again. Can i tell you a sad story when i turned 11 i stayed up all night hoping for hagrid to come to my door and he never did i felt so sad.

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